2 Sep (Sat) Back to Piute. Packed all my stuff and
headed to Cranney’s. To my utter chagrin I found that my horses were not there!
Another classic—and entirely avoidable—miscommunication! Lisa S. had
come to the cabin (while I was gone) with Red, Val and Pokey. Surprised that
Greta had told her to use my stock (Red & Val are used only by me except
when there’s a major dog’n’pony show). Hadn’t even thought about it beforehand
but this meant she could’ve left my two at the pack station when she came out,
saving us both time and trouble. But she took ‘em back to town with her! Arggh!
Of course, I ranted a bit but soon realized it was my own gol-durned fault
(again…) and also that when I come out next Thursday someone else would have to
come haul them so it was actually best (if inconvenient) that I do it myself.
But it was a sore disappointment to have to turn around and drive back to town,
get the stock truck, transfer my load, pick up the ponies…. I’d hoped to get an
early start to greet the hordes on this Labor Day weekend but lost two hours.
Plus, it was looking like certain rain since sunup. Oh, well! ◦◦◦◦◦ Got on the
trail at my usual-ish 1:30. Met lots of “the fans” and had several pleasant
encounters. One log-worthy meeting with the sole non-permit-carrying backpacker
I met. ◦◦◦◦◦ At the Hidden Lake junction I rode down to the campsite by the
crossing and found one young man set up for the night. His tent was pitched
right in an aspen thicket ten feet or less from the river—lots of plants
trampled around his tent. On a log there was a large pistol with bullet-laden
belt and, beside it, a giant Bowie knife affair with brass knuckles built into
the handle, daggered into the soft wood. A lethal-looking weapon. The kid seemed harmless; a skinny, shirtless, long-haired, heavy-metal type
with necklaces who had no clue. Didn’t know he needed a permit…never been up
here…his uncle had been here and told him he didn’t need a permit, blah bla
blah. He was having a great time. I gave him the sermon in full. “You know
there’s no using that gun back here for target practice…only for emergencies”
and “Please don’t build a fire here—you’re too close to the river." (Explained
“the rules” and their reasons.) He asked if he could bury his trash, “Like, if
I dig a three-foot hole?” and looked taken aback when I started laughing.
“You’re really gonna dig a ‘three foot hole’? With what, that, uh,
knife-thingey? No! Pack it out, man. You brought it in here—take it home with
you!” He looked disappointed but said, “I can do that.” So I let him off with a
warning. Amazing, the diversity of human “types” you meet back here on holiday
weekends. ◦◦◦◦◦ In stark contrast, less than a mile from the cabin, I ran up on
a woman (her mate was coming up behind her) who was leaning against a tree
smiling, watching my approach with obvious pleasure. They’d read my sign and
she asked if I was the guy who wanted free fish. I instinctively recognized her
as a real mountain-person by dint of an obvious comfort and familiarity with
her surroundings. The woman told me they’d just left the cabin and she’d napped
at the edge of the meadow with my cat sleeping on her chest. She asked his name
and laughed when I told her, “Velcro,” instantly grokking why. I checked her proffered
permit: Eve Laeger. The name stirred some dim recognition. Turning to her
husband, I asked, “Is your name ‘Herb’?” Surprised, he admitted it was. These
two are hardcore climbers and first-ascentionists, mostly of rock climbs in the
southern Sierra. I’ve thumbed through the guidebook to that region and noted
the prevalence of first-ascents done by this husband and wife team. We had a nice
talk. Always nice to meet kindred spirits (and cat-lovers) back here. ◦◦◦◦◦
Cabin at six. Windy all day and it did rain a bit. Atypically, it
started coming down within five minutes of my starting to ride, hard enough for
me to don my slicker for the first time this season. (Usually it starts to rain
just when you begin packing, with your stuff all strewn about.) Brewed up a
cauldron of chili with a happy, pitiful, clinging, claw-wielding kitty
following me around.
3 Sep (Sun) Warm and windy all night. The cloud cover
kept things warm and it only got down to 54°. Got an early start this time to
hit all the lakes; headed downcanyon to visit Fremont first. Ran up on Herb
& Eve and we talked and exchanged addresses. New friends. These two are
amazing—Herb is 50 and looks 40, Eve is 44. He’s a retired laser physicist who
saved up and invested his money, retiring at 44, and now they run a small
mail-order business out of their home in Bodfish (down near Lake Isabella). Get
this: they make and sell “decorative flags for mailboxes.” This allows these
two young-at-hearts to cruise around in the mountains just about as much as
they please. We share common climbing-ethics, all of us dislike guidebooks (and,
by extension, guidebook authors) and just want to have fun in the hills and on
the crags without waiting in line to do a climb. Well met! ◦◦◦◦◦ Starting up
the Fremont trail I ran into three people: a couple and a guy they were
chatting with as I rode up. The couple were very nice and normal; the guy was
way out there. He was all mellow and slow-talkin’ in neo-hippie fashion and
after about a minute I began to be certain he was on LSD or something like.
Skinny enough already, he apparently had no food, was on his way out to “get
his hamburger” (as if that’s just what one does when a backpack is
over). Said he’d been eating “the herbs” during his walk. “Lotsa rosemary back
here!” Told him, “Uh, no, I don’t think there’s any rosemary.” Right then he
got it and said, “Oh, you’re Ranger Tim!” He’d met me. “Umm…no, I don’t think
so.” And, by way of explanation he said, “I read your letter.” [a posted
greeting-letter from the ranger, signed simply “Tim”] “Oh, I see.” And he sort
of rambled on while the couple stood there looking like they wanted to escape
but were morbidly fascinated. I finally disengaged and, when he was out of
earshot—all three of us watching him go—I turned to the couple and said, “That
guy is really out there.” They agreed with my diagnosis that he was
trippin’ on LSD or mushrooms. A strange case. ◦◦◦◦◦ To Fremont and on to Chain
o’Lakes, Long Lakes, and Cinko (first time this season, gasp!). Along the West
Fork, ran into “Jack-the-wagon-man,” who was up with the Dick Davis party two
years ago. This guy’s specialty is old wagons—knows all the types, dates used,
how they were constructed and with what tools, how the horses/mules/oxen were
“attached.” He came along with Dick that trip because he’s one of that gang
(Oregon-California Historic Trails Association, I believe they’re called) plus
Jack can identify all the rusty chunks of iron they find with metal detectors and
then tell what part of wagon or ox cart they belonged to. At present he’s
building an authentic stagecoach—in his garage, I suppose. Hey, whatever
floats yer boat! Some guys build airplanes at home, after all. ◦◦◦◦◦ Jack fed
me some new history: told me, just ahead, I should follow his and his lady friend’s
tracks off the trail. They’d just ridden a section of the actual emigrant
trail, which crossed the West Fork at a distinctive polished granite slab (all
underwater) and followed the river for a quarter mile before gaining the east
bank. This was a new one on me but I dutifully watched for two sets of tracks
leaving the main trail, saw them, crossed on the slab going real slow and…found
myself on an old trail that was like a road in places! The whole West Fork is
in a shallow gorge through there—lined with slabs and bluffs, thick timber and pinched
places. I’ve long marveled at the thought of wagons passing through there in
1853—“How could they have done it?”—but this one section is flat
and fairly wide, bordered by rock walls, an easy stretch though no doubt they
had to chop out some trees. And Jack said he could see where they’d moved
boulders out of the way but I didn’t notice these. I was amazed and did a
little time travel back to when Americans were a stronger and more resourceful people.
A brief but fascinating journey, riding through history and seeing the
struggles of these deluded travelers who used what is considered “the worst
emigrant trail crossing the high Sierra,” in use for only two years before
being abandoned to trappers, sheepherders and cowboys. ◦◦◦◦◦ On to Cinko Lake. Sad to report that this was
my first visit but this has been a strange season. The mosquitoes were very
bad. Chatted at length with two parties there, one a couple from the city
(packed in by Bart). The man was a highway patrolman from Napa County and his
wife was worried about bears. They were genuinely surprised to hear I didn’t
carry a gun but perhaps more so to hear me say I had no need for one and had
never felt any need for a gun, simply because there was nothing in these old hills
to cause me any fear. How about bears? The lady visibly stiffened when I told
them they were all over the place and I paused long enough to watch her
squirm before continuing “…but they never bother backpackers hereabouts. You
have more to worry about from rodents—by far.” They were both relieved to hear
this news.
4 Sep (Mon) Woke up tired and unmotivated. I’d planned
another early start, race down and chase down the fleeing tourists on their way
to the nearest McDonalds…. Stop. Stop right there, Tim. What a cynical thing to
say. Actually, I bailed on this plan because it would only leave me more
tired tomorrow and I have lots of work to do yet this tour. ◦◦◦◦◦ So I took the
morning at a slow pace, did paperwork and studied plant books and then walked
up the Kirkwood trail with shovel and to get an idea of the “tree situation”
[downed trees needing to be removed]. I passed about a dozen in the first two
miles, several big jobs. Groan! Cleaned waterbreaks and rocked the rock-filled
trail. ◦◦◦◦◦ On the way back, cut up
onto the hillside and contoured down. Found myself on an old morainal bench
hidden in the thick timber but it passed through several pocket meadow and I
found some “new” old sheepherder carvings, familiar names on the trees but in
new spots. They really used these hidden hillside meadows in the old days. ◦◦◦◦◦
Oh, on the way up: heard a strange sound that I took for an owl cry and
went in that direction, all ears and eyes. Finally spotted a blue grouse twelve
feet up a lodgepole, staring at me and making jungle sounds. I stood there for
minutes watching it bob head up & down and make nervous comments in
grouse-tongue. Amazing variety of weird sounds. You never hear this speech out
in the woods—it’s reserved for up close chit-chats with fellow grouse and the soft
sounds don’t carry far. Nice to share the time of day with this plump forest
bird, “up close and personal.” Thanks! ◦◦◦◦◦ Back home, worked on this log up in the
hammock. Velcro came up behind for the third time and curled at my feet while I
wrote, purring and kneading. (He’s a “kneady” cat, nyuk nyuk…) A real joy to be
up in the tree with a breeze and the big view and a kitty who came up of his
own free will to be with me. One of those scenes where I wisht someone was around
to witness it—they’d be blown away. Not too many cats will climb 40, 45 feet up
a pine tree just to hang out in a hammock with their crunchy-provider….
Quotes written inside the cover of this volume of The Piute Log:
“Patience is the most
difficult thing of all and the only thing that is worth learning. All nature,
all growth, all peace, everything that flowers and is beautiful in the world
depends on patience, requires time, silence, trust, and faith in long-term
processes which far exceed any single lifetime, which are accessible to the
insight of no one person, and which in their totality can be experienced only
by peoples and epochs, not by individuals.”
“Our inclinations always have
an astounding knack of masquerading as philosophies of life.”
©2017 by Tim Forsell 18 Mar 2017
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