My mom has a beat-up old chest—I suppose all
mothers do—that contains a trove of nostalgia: her wedding dress, my dad’s love
letters, old photos, kid-stuff. For obvious reasons I was never allowed to
explore its contents and all my life the thing has been talismanic of the
sanctity of a woman’s memory-world. When I was young I’d happily explore her
underwear drawer with all those
secret things but to this day would never consider opening that trunk. She has looked through it with me—once, long
ago. So far as I know she gets into that special mood about once a decade. Not
too long ago she did and when I came to visit last time had an item from the
green chest that she handed to me without explanation but with an enigmatic smile.
It was a shirt-pocket sized spiral-bound notepad that cost a dime in 1966. The
first six pages were covered on one side with a child’s crude printing—mine—and
it proved to be an essay about my beloved kitties. I had no memory of writing
it but this was no school project and is possibly the first literary effort of
an eight-year-old boy, a third-grader….
cat tabby is going to have kittens. She will have to Mate first. But when she
dos’e there will be alot of kittens. But I will start at the begaining.
Tabby Girl
One day a girl
named Carry Martin had this little kitten. I saw it and asked if I could show
it to my mom and dad. She said yes because her mother hated cats. So I took it home.
My family said she was beutiful and so did I. She start purring and climbing on
us. We petted it and it purred louder and louder and she climbed like mad. We
wished we could keep her so much we could not stop playing with her. In the
morning I went out side and there was the cat! And every morning she came and we
broght her in the house every morning. We fed her milk and kracker too! Fineily
we started feeding her with rascle and Smoky. So we kept her because we could
not get rid of her. So one night we came together and named her We called her all kinds of names. But they
dild not fit. So I said: How about tabby every body said it was a good name so
that was how tabby got a name. Well ever since tabb has got fun and exitment
with Dogs and rascle, butterflys, birds, grass hoppers, people, bugs, and all
kinds of things. Tabby is very kind unless people bother her. Because tabby
gets scared. Most people get tabby and hurt her so in self Defins she scratshes
them. Tabby should not do it but she has to. Some people hate cats and try to
kill them. That’s what I prevint because I’m a cat lover. I go krazy about
cats. But now we get to the good part. Now tabby is going to have kittens.
About a mounth ago tabby had a sighn of getting kittens now in about a mounth
she will have them. Tabby has started to mate. As soon as she has kittens the
start nurseing. That is not far from now but tabby is a great cat and now I can
hardly wait tabby will as other cats
have them in a secret place, and she will have her kittens then. This is all I know
yet about tabby.
15 Sep 2003, 6 Dec 2012
© 2012 Tim
rights reserved.
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