Sunday, May 15, 2016

The Demeaning of Life...Part VIII

This section is essentially a quick review of genetics in the context of how genes physically manipulate information—not how that information is put to use. The point is to emphasize my key premise: that life itself has creative capacities beyond our current understanding…its productions aren’t simply the result of chance and time but are somehow under the influence of some guiding principle. Beginning with the rediscovery of Mendel’s work, the mechanisms and methods of genes were gradually worked out, one small step after another, with major breakthroughs along the way. The achievement of teasing out the details of genetic inheritance has been nothing shy of extraordinary and is truly one of science’s finest efforts, with countless researchers building on the findings of their predecessors to piece together a fabulously intricate narrative. While this story is far from complete the way ahead is clear: improved methods of gathering data (and, especially, of processing the bounteous haul) and new technologies will only accelerate the discoveries made by future geneticists. What will they find? I predict they’ll uncover new layers of sophistication and complexity unanticipated by those who once saw their field as operating by simple, cause-and-effect laws. And I continue to press the notion that a confidence bred of continual success has resulted in a sort of “blind spot.” We haven’t quite reached a place where it’s overwhelmingly evident that nature actually engineers solutions to the myriad problems it faces. The essence behind the workings of DNA, the cell, inheritance, evolution…it arises from the same thing, a thing we have no name for, which thus remains hidden in plain sight. My goal, ultimately, is to make it impossible to ignore the obvious: that what animates the inanimate is not what we believe it to be. All along, we’ve been standing too close to see it clearly. 

VIII.  Genes, and How They Work 

Evolution has been a process of discovering ways in which organisms can be put together, and it is to be expected that the genome must be a complexly integrated entity, like the animal that it can organize. It is not a jumble of traits but a unitary self-regulating and self-organizing system. In order for the organism to become established and to subsist, it must have an almost incomprehensible inherent stability.

                                                    Robert Wesson, Beyond Natural Selection

Aside from the study of embryological development, perhaps nothing in biology better demonstrates the truth about life being more than “just chemistry and physics” than the byzantine workings of genetics.

After reading this statement, any card-carrying biologist—unable to contain themselves—would interrupt to heatedly assure readers that such was not the case: The science of genetics is very  well understood and indisputably a function of “just” chemistry and physics! But is this actually the case? I say…no, given that biochemistry has exposed a nano-world where cells and even atoms demonstrate a type of intelligence that was unrealized when one could make such a definite statement. All matters related to genetics reveal life’s innate creative intelligence operating at beyond-belief levels of organization.

The complexities of the subject are legendary. Mendel’s famous experiments, with their logical and clear-cut conclusions, demonstrate the scientific method at its  finest. To this day his results remain the “text book” illustration of genetic inheritance, lending themselves to precise diagrams ideal for biology classes. (Many readers will remember them…and with mixed feelings.) While the reasoning may have been difficult to follow, those bifurcating charts lent the subject an aura of rational coherence. However, since Mendel’s time all matters pertaining to genetics have grown so technical that non-scientists can only expect to understand the most basic elements.

Recall that one of the key premises of the neo-Darwinian synthesis was the notion that random copying errors could lead to beneficial mutations. During a brief period at the beginning of the 20th century it was widely thought that each gene was responsible for the creation of one protein, which was in turn responsible for one trait. (Yes, they were simpler times.) And in those early days of the synthesis, lay scientists—and even some specialists—formed misguided notions about Mendelian inheritance’s deceptive quality of clear-cut intelligibility. This lured some into believing the solution to existing genetic questions would prove straightforward. In retrospect, such innocent thinking is somewhat surprising; embryology was a rapidly advancing field at the time and it was already recognized that even the simplest of organisms’ early development was an extremely involved affair.

All this, then, contributed to a somewhat naïve faith in the inevitable solution of genetic riddles. At that time there certainly was good reason to feel confident that modern scientific methods would eventually clarify every last detail of how genes operate. But the brand new discipline of population genetics—an abstruse discipline if there ever was one—soon dispelled any notions of the subject being straightforward.      

A bare bones genetics primer is in order to provide some background for the uninitiated or biologically rusty. Again, the picture presented here of how genes “work” (as opposed to what they “do”) is terribly oversimplified, with significant gaps in a narrative whose intricacies already make it challenging to follow. Our conception of genes has changed considerably in recent decades; while the classic model retains many merits and has proven its explanatory worth, keep in mind that genes are constantly interacting, fluid entities and no longer thought of as having well-defined configurations. A gene is not a “thing.”

Recall that sex cells (eggs and sperm) each have one set of chromosomes. When an egg is fertilized the two sets unite and, in all subsequent divisions, daughter cells receive one set of doubled copies (one from each parent). The DNA in each half of the chromosome carries the same genes and in similar sequences, but the information they possess will be slightly different. Genes are entirely passive and never leave the safe  environs of the nucleus. (Some, though, are positioned on sections of chromosomes attached to the nuclear membrane’s inner surface; this makes them accessible to molecular messengers in the cytoplasm that can receive and carry vital instructions to other parts of the cell or beyond.) Many act as blueprints for the construction of proteins. Some code for the assembly of protein machines. Others, the crucial master genes, direct many such activities—most importantly, the entire process of embryological development, or ontogeny. [This will be the topic of a later section.]

Some genes are dominant while others are recessive. Dominant genes tend to be the ones physically manifested—expressed—but recessives, even after being hidden in a population for multiple generations, can suddenly reappear. The trait expressed may then quickly disappear again or spread throughout a population—under certain circumstances even achieving dominance.

Only one of DNA’s intertwined halves carries genetic information: the template strand. (Its complement provides the instructions needed to create a new template strand during replication.) A gene, then, is essentially a segment of the DNA template strand consisting of a number of the nucleotide base “letters”—A, C, T, and G—which, collectively, act as a pattern for the fabrication of coded instructions that are then conveyed to other locations in the cell. They are typically several thousand bases long.[1]

Part of this string of nucleotides consists of a coding region (where the actual directions for building proteins reside). The remainder comprises a regulatory region—a series of binding sites (short stretches of nucleotides) where special molecules called master proteins will dock, thereby influencing how and when the gene is expressed. Each coding region consists of a nucleotide sequence (anywhere between several hundred to a few thousand) which, in essence, is a set of blueprints—or a recipe—written in DNA “letters.” By way of transcription a copy will be made in the form of an mRNA molecule which then, through the process of translation, is used to construct proteins.

Genes don’t function autonomously (as was formerly believed) but instead act only when prompted by other molecules. Some of these gene-regulating molecules are synthesized in the same cell; other types, such as hormones, come from cells in other parts of the organism. Still others, also coming from elsewhere, interact with receptors imbedded in the cell’s outer membrane that then relay a message to the nucleus. Many genes are seldom (if ever) switched on. Competition frequently arises amid conflicting pressures, with gene-activating molecules arriving at the same time as gene-inhibitors; both might interact or compete in ways that influence a cell one way or the other. It’s now widely recognized that environmental influences or external stresses can also turn genes on and off. Substances from an organism’s diet also affect gene regulation; these so-called epigenetic factors, whose impacts were long denied, have proven to be of vital importance in many evolutionary processes and are central to much current research.     

Some genes are passed on through thousands of generations; these remain virtually identical (though they might differ somewhat in specific base sequences) for millions of years and are to be found in organisms only distantly related. Such genes are said to be highly conserved. Some—like those responsible for the production of vital catalysts—are in bacteria that evolved at least two billion years ago as well as humans, demonstrating evolution’s power to preserve crucial features as well as try out new innovations. In fact, there are around 500 genes shared by all types of life forms. More-over, aside from these so-called immortal genes, all organisms—both plants and animals—have many other genes in common. (The more closely related, the more shared.) Lab animals whose genomes have been meticulously documented possess many genes that are very similar to the human counterparts. To give an idea of just how alike: we share around 90% of our DNA with cats, about 80% with cows, 60% with fruit flies, and even nearly 50% with bananas. About 96% of human DNA is nearly the same as that of our closest relatives, chimpanzees.[2] (It should be assumed that any such figures depend to a great extent on the way data is interpreted and, regardless of how they are derived, will likely change.)

In humans, all cells (aside from red blood corpuscles and platelets) contain identical copies of the entire genome though only 5–20% of the genes are active in any one cell. Some are activated only at certain times (such as during the course of embryonic development) or can remain unexpressed during an organism’s entire lifetime.

As for how the information carried by genes is actually stage-managed: Before a protein-coding gene can be expressed it first has to be located, activated, and transcribed. Regardless of original source (that is, whether from inside the cell or elsewhere) signal-bearing molecules first have to enter the nucleus and locate both a targeted gene and the section of DNA bearing regulatory portions that govern it. Called activators, these highly specific proteins are responsible for initiating the entire process. In eukaryotic organisms there are usually several activators; in some instances a dozen or more.[3] Some of these moor at binding sites on a segment known as the promoter, changing shape in the fashion of enzymes as they pile up. Other activators, chemically attracted, in turn bind to these until the whole freeway-crash attains a specific shape. At this point, one of the largest known biological molecules—RNA polymerase—shows up to begin transcription, but it can’t recognize the promotor without help.

 Neurobiologist Debra Niehoff tells about the enzyme’s assistants, “a corps of mechanics and decision makers that biologists call transcription factors,” and what happens next:  

These proteins come in two flavors. So-called general transcription factors assemble at the promoter sequence where transcription begins; they recruit the polymerase and orient it correctly. Other transcription factors are activators and repressors that permit or forbid gene expression. They bind to a distinct regulatory sequence that is not part of the gene itself and may…be located a considerable distance upstream or downstream.[4] Gene activators give a thumbs up to RNA polymerase, recruit and organize the enzyme’s crew of general transcription factors, and exhort the whole conglomerate to work harder and faster. Repressors stifle gene expression by blocking the binding of activators, interfering with their recruiting efforts, or smothering the DNA in more protein.[5]

When the polymerase is ready to step in, it begins transcribing the gene by unzipping the double helix, separating both strands, and reading the gene’s code. Building materials are required to synthesize a complementary strand of mRNA; in this case, instead of nucleotides being delivered by helper enzymes, they’re foraged: a multitude roam freely within the cytoplasmic tumult and are continually zipping by; the polymerase (somehow) recognizes what it needs and simply grabs them in sequence. Transcription is completed when the polymerase runs into another diagnostic sequence that tells it to stop. It releases the mRNA bearing the copied gene, which carries these instructions out of the nucleus and into the cytoplasm where teams of ribosomes will begin construction of the protein. After releasing the mRNA, the polymerase rejoins the fray; assisted by more enzymes, the DNA strands zip shut and the gene is thus switched off. It can be reactivated whenever needed…left on…or never used.

This should provide at least a taste of the amazing process of gene activation.

Then, to further complicate matters: the vast majority of eukaryotic DNA consists of non-gene sequences. Only a small portion of those millions of nucleotide “letters”—less than 2%—actually code for proteins. The coding segments, known as exons, are located between stretches of non-coding material called introns.[6] Formerly known as junk DNA, introns are often significantly longer than the coding parts, sometimes consisting of thousands—even millions—of repeated sequences. (As it turns out, introns actually contain crucial regulatory information in the form of switches and most likely serve other functions not yet known.)

Eukaryotic genes, then, are not in uninterrupted stretches but are interspersed by introns. During transcription the non-coding material is faithfully copied onto mRNA before subsequently being removed and discarded by editing enzymes. The leading end of the gene consists of regulatory segments such as the promotor and neighboring enhancer regions.

This should be more than enough to give an idea of the ultra-elaborate system in place simply to locate and influence genes. Attempting a basic review of DNA’s actual utility (in its role as the bearer of an organism’s genetic material) is almost counterproductive; a synopsis can’t convey any real sense of how the immense amount of information contained in just a single molecule can be manipulated in such a way as to result in a living creature—and one that, in a manner of speaking, has all its fingers and toes. And I have yet to address the even more remarkable matter of how genes actually make fingers and toes…and assemble them in their proper places.

 While it’s still conceptually helpful to speak of genes as if they were minute objects, “doing things” in some sort of logical fashion, in truth the word itself has perhaps outlived its utility. According to James Shapiro, “This term has no rigorous and consistent definition. It has been used to designate countless different features of genome organization. In other words, the use of ‘gene’ gives the false impression of specifying a definite entity when, in fact it can mean any number of different genomic components.” He suggests that in the case of, say, protein manufacture, the terms coding sequence be used to refer to sections of DNA (proximate or not) that account for protein construction and genetic locus to indicate coding sequences, switches, and sections that encode for mRNA which, collectively, code for the fabrication of proteins. (I will carry on with portraying genes in the traditional manner but readers should be aware that geneticists no longer think of them as being discrete packages of information.)

Years ago it was realized that, as then conceived, the number of human genes could not account for the genetic information required to build and maintain a human being—regardless of whether it is the currently accepted figure of around 20,500[7] or even one high-end estimate (circa 1969) of 2 million. Counterintuitively, other creatures have considerably more genes than us: mice have around 23,000; the puffer fish, about 28,000. Even far less complex organisms have a proportionately larger number: the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, about 17,000.

It is the ability to rearrange and recombine gene segments (affording enormous numbers of potential combinations) that occasions the vast number of specific instructions required to assemble any organism. During transcription, the spatially separated exons can be shuffled and spliced back together. Individual exons often code for functional modular units so their recombination can result in the creation of a whole suite of related proteins. Those at higher levels exploit this capacity—termed exon shuffling[8]—to a much greater extent but genomes still can’t supply nearly enough information to account for the myriad details that result in each species’ unique form. Imagine how much information is needed to account for all the nuanced design details on display in something like a bird’s wing, a mammal’s heart, or the shape of a skull. (Not to mention building an adult anything from scratch.) However, the relatively new field of evolutionary developmental biology—known as “evo-devo”—has revolutionized embryology and goes a long way toward explaining how fertilized egg cells turn into things such as albatrosses and anglerfish…or, past tense, into ichthyosaurs and placoderms.                            

How scientists arrived at our present understanding of genes and embryonic development (and their implications for evolutionary theory) following the publication of Origin of Species and up to the time of the modern synthesis is another intriguing story. A quick look at the intellectual climate during those decades reveals that—contrary to what many people believe—Darwin’s revolutionary ideas were not “the only game in town.” Far from it.

     ©2016 by Tim Forsell             14 May 2016                                                                                                                                                                            

[1] The longest known, which codes for a protein found in muscle, holds 2.4 million bases.
[2] A 2005 study  amends the oft-quoted figure of 99% originating from a 1976 paper. While endlessly repeated, the number was derived through highly speculative means.
[3] The large number of activators reflects a cell’s need to act in harmony with trillions of others; the abundance or scarcity of one can influence the number of times that a proper combination can join forces to switch on their targeted gene. “The life of a multicelled organism depends on an extraordinarily complex interplay of thousands of different chemical signals coming from each cell and going to some or all of the other cells that make up the republic…that is the human body.” (Rensberger, p 93.)
[4] These are terms used to indicate the position of DNA regions relative to the direction of the advancing transcription.
[5] For prokaryotes, the way genes and signaling proteins interact is a considerably less involved process than it is with higher organisms. Unlike bacteria, eukaryotes have several types of RNA polymerase. In the nucleus of a human cell, around 40,000 of the variety that assemble mRNA are present at any given time. Several will be transcribing a gene at the same time, adding around 60 nucleotides per second. 
[6] “Exons” refers to sections that are expressed, “introns” to intervening sections. Prokaryote DNA has no non-coding  regions. 
[7] A recent study (2014) suggests that the figure may be closer to 19,000. 
[8] Exon shuffling is an important mechanism in the evolution of novel proteins.

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